Secret (SCRT) is a coin of a decentralized network for private and secure computing. Secret is the first blockchain that preserves the confidentiality of smart contracts.
News about Secret
19 Dec 2022, 13:40
@votor133t (votor | đť•Š #2256) posted in Incentivisation of SCRT pair on Kujira BOW
The idea makes sense, except for this:
I propose to fund a Secret wallet under temporary custody of a valued community member with 5000 - 10000 SCRT
Why does an individual need to be trusted for this and what would be stopping said individual to just take the funds. Or even what would cover them if they make a well intentioned mistake and lose funds?
This is not the responsible way to handle ...
@votor133t (votor | đť•Š #2256) posted in Incentivisation of SCRT pair on Kujira BOW. The idea makes sense, except for this:.@votor133t (votor | đť•Š #2256) posted in Incentivisation of SCRT pair on Kujira BOW
The idea makes sense, except for this:
I propose to fund a Secret wallet under temporary custody of a valued community member with 5000 - 10000 SCRT
Why does an individual need to be trusted for this and what would be stopping said individual to just take the funds. Or even what would cover them if they make a well intentioned mistake and lose funds?
This is not the responsible way to handle ...
19 Dec 2022, 11:03
@oljo posted in Business Development Committee Q1 2023 Proposal
I just like to comment that knowing Telegram Brian is in the canoe makes me feel good.
Dan, you asked for far too many of the precious SCRTs , I think 50% less and we’d all be feeling blessed for having you in the boat paddling forward with the rest of us privacy Moe Moe’s
As for the comment about you not playing nice nice when you are spoken to by a wtf voice , I say nobody should be offende...
@oljo posted in Business Development Committee Q1 2023 Proposal.@oljo posted in Business Development Committee Q1 2023 Proposal
I just like to comment that knowing Telegram Brian is in the canoe makes me feel good.
Dan, you asked for far too many of the precious SCRTs , I think 50% less and we’d all be feeling blessed for having you in the boat paddling forward with the rest of us privacy Moe Moe’s
As for the comment about you not playing nice nice when you are spoken to by a wtf voice , I say nobody should be offende...
19 Dec 2022, 09:33
@ertemann posted in Business Development Committee Q1 2023 Proposal
Agency standpoint:
I would like to point out here that agency is taking the lead on helping dapps and upcoming leads to reach VC funding after making connections and getting soft commits of several VCs. This is a good structure in my opinion because we have the working connection with all dapps, communication channels and resources to improve pitches, profile VCs and spend thorough time with each...
@ertemann posted in Business Development Committee Q1 2023 Proposal. Agency standpoint:.@ertemann posted in Business Development Committee Q1 2023 Proposal
Agency standpoint:
I would like to point out here that agency is taking the lead on helping dapps and upcoming leads to reach VC funding after making connections and getting soft commits of several VCs. This is a good structure in my opinion because we have the working connection with all dapps, communication channels and resources to improve pitches, profile VCs and spend thorough time with each...
18 Dec 2022, 06:15
@martyvb2 (Marty Van Buren) posted in Disclosure of June 2021 OTC Event - Secret Foundation
The sad part is that this “scam” was not intricate at all! It was on the same level of someone getting phished on Telegram by a bad actor impersonating a mod’s account. It is crazy to me that the foundation’s handling of an OTC deal of such high value in this way. This was not some kind of complex operation, they managed to get swindled in a way that newcomers to the space are first warned about....
@martyvb2 (Marty Van Buren) posted in Disclosure of June 2021 OTC Event - Secret Foundation.@martyvb2 (Marty Van Buren) posted in Disclosure of June 2021 OTC Event - Secret Foundation
The sad part is that this “scam” was not intricate at all! It was on the same level of someone getting phished on Telegram by a bad actor impersonating a mod’s account. It is crazy to me that the foundation’s handling of an OTC deal of such high value in this way. This was not some kind of complex operation, they managed to get swindled in a way that newcomers to the space are first warned about....
17 Dec 2022, 22:38
@johnbrodish (John) posted in Business Development Committee Q1 2023 Proposal
Dan was instrumental in reinvigorating user research at the Foundation these past few months, drawing attention to our need to better-serve business development audiences on the scrt.network website, such as prospective developers, projects, and partners.
He and I have been collaborating on said user research, establishing processes that would allow for regular biweekly/monthly user research & te...
@johnbrodish (John) posted in Business Development Committee Q1 2023 Proposal.@johnbrodish (John) posted in Business Development Committee Q1 2023 Proposal
Dan was instrumental in reinvigorating user research at the Foundation these past few months, drawing attention to our need to better-serve business development audiences on the scrt.network website, such as prospective developers, projects, and partners.
He and I have been collaborating on said user research, establishing processes that would allow for regular biweekly/monthly user research & te...
17 Dec 2022, 12:27
@oljo posted in Disclosure of June 2021 OTC Event - Secret Foundation
It seemed like a tricky spot , fucked if you do fucked if you don’t… I think personally they made the right move at the start by keeping it on the downlow , legit villain scam win. Shit happens. Anything after not being disclosed was more then likely out of embarrassment.
Now going forward I see no harm in disclosing more information on how a fake VC operates… Im curious to know, was it a certai...
@oljo posted in Disclosure of June 2021 OTC Event - Secret Foundation.@oljo posted in Disclosure of June 2021 OTC Event - Secret Foundation
It seemed like a tricky spot , fucked if you do fucked if you don’t… I think personally they made the right move at the start by keeping it on the downlow , legit villain scam win. Shit happens. Anything after not being disclosed was more then likely out of embarrassment.
Now going forward I see no harm in disclosing more information on how a fake VC operates… Im curious to know, was it a certai...
17 Dec 2022, 10:57
@DannyM posted in Public Leadership Statement on Recent Community Threats
It is my belief that Ian, known as the node father, is not a violent individual and that the threats made were not sincere. However, I do believe that Ian could benefit from more mindful consideration of his word choice and the effect it has on others. While I do not condone the manner in which he addressed the issues concerning Tor and the foundation. Even if Ian’s concerns about Tor and the foun...
@DannyM posted in Public Leadership Statement on Recent Community Threats.@DannyM posted in Public Leadership Statement on Recent Community Threats
It is my belief that Ian, known as the node father, is not a violent individual and that the threats made were not sincere. However, I do believe that Ian could benefit from more mindful consideration of his word choice and the effect it has on others. While I do not condone the manner in which he addressed the issues concerning Tor and the foundation. Even if Ian’s concerns about Tor and the foun...
17 Dec 2022, 05:27
@thenodefather (Node Father) posted in Public Leadership Statement on Recent Community Threats
I also wanted to add, I strongly urge all of you to prioritize your safety in the event that you receive an actual threat of violence. In such a situation, please seek a safe location and contact law enforcement immediately. It is important to remember that handling these types of situations is the jurisdiction of law enforcement not secret governance and it is not appropriate for us to lead commu...
@thenodefather (Node Father) posted in Public Leadership Statement on Recent Community Threats.@thenodefather (Node Father) posted in Public Leadership Statement on Recent Community Threats
I also wanted to add, I strongly urge all of you to prioritize your safety in the event that you receive an actual threat of violence. In such a situation, please seek a safe location and contact law enforcement immediately. It is important to remember that handling these types of situations is the jurisdiction of law enforcement not secret governance and it is not appropriate for us to lead commu...
17 Dec 2022, 04:38
@thenodefather (Node Father) posted in Public Leadership Statement on Recent Community Threats
I understand your perspective, but I must strongly emphasize that my actions and words were not meant to threaten violence in any way. I apologize if they were perceived as such and caused any discomfort. However, it is not fair for leadership to imply that I am a violent person when that is not true. If they are unable to demonstrate good faith and address the issue at hand, it becomes clear that...
@thenodefather (Node Father) posted in Public Leadership Statement on Recent Community Threats.@thenodefather (Node Father) posted in Public Leadership Statement on Recent Community Threats
I understand your perspective, but I must strongly emphasize that my actions and words were not meant to threaten violence in any way. I apologize if they were perceived as such and caused any discomfort. However, it is not fair for leadership to imply that I am a violent person when that is not true. If they are unable to demonstrate good faith and address the issue at hand, it becomes clear that...
17 Dec 2022, 04:15
@AnewbiZ007 (anewbiz1.x) posted in Public Leadership Statement on Recent Community Threats
My thoughts that you quoted are this right here.
Thoughts on this entire topic in general.
I am stating that it has no place, and i mean exactly that. I am not stating that you did or did not do any specific thing. I’m not privy to anything besides what is here.
Sorry if you misunderstood that or it seems like a different context.
I will say that i don’t think you are personally violent. J...
@AnewbiZ007 (anewbiz1. x) posted in Public Leadership Statement on Recent Community Threats.@AnewbiZ007 (anewbiz1.x) posted in Public Leadership Statement on Recent Community Threats
My thoughts that you quoted are this right here.
Thoughts on this entire topic in general.
I am stating that it has no place, and i mean exactly that. I am not stating that you did or did not do any specific thing. I’m not privy to anything besides what is here.
Sorry if you misunderstood that or it seems like a different context.
I will say that i don’t think you are personally violent. J...
17 Dec 2022, 02:15
@fuzzzypizzza (Darren | ALTER + Secret University ) posted in Disclosure of June 2021 OTC Event - Secret Foundation
Scams are likely going to get even more intricate. This was an expensive mistake that was caused by human error, but in light of everything going on, could have been much worse.
Decisions were made in a time of panic and we quickly hit ATH shortly after, so I can understand the rationale to continue operations as normal. However, these are times when community trust can be earned through transpar...
@fuzzzypizzza (Darren | ALTER + Secret University ) posted in Disclosure of June 2021 OTC Event - Secret Foundation.@fuzzzypizzza (Darren | ALTER + Secret University ) posted in Disclosure of June 2021 OTC Event - Secret Foundation
Scams are likely going to get even more intricate. This was an expensive mistake that was caused by human error, but in light of everything going on, could have been much worse.
Decisions were made in a time of panic and we quickly hit ATH shortly after, so I can understand the rationale to continue operations as normal. However, these are times when community trust can be earned through transpar...
16 Dec 2022, 21:17
@thenodefather (Node Father) posted in Public Leadership Statement on Recent Community Threats
To @Carter-Woetzel and other relevant parties,
Because of comments like I quoted I want to say this very clearly. Could you please consider retracting the false claims and implications and issuing an apology? It is important that we all take responsibility for the information we share and the impact it can have on others. This will ensure that the purpose of this thread is not undermined. If a p...
@thenodefather (Node Father) posted in Public Leadership Statement on Recent Community Threats.@thenodefather (Node Father) posted in Public Leadership Statement on Recent Community Threats
To @Carter-Woetzel and other relevant parties,
Because of comments like I quoted I want to say this very clearly. Could you please consider retracting the false claims and implications and issuing an apology? It is important that we all take responsibility for the information we share and the impact it can have on others. This will ensure that the purpose of this thread is not undermined. If a p...
16 Dec 2022, 14:41
NEW: The Secret Network Ecosystem Roadmap is here 🚀
If you joined us for Secret Summit, you know that BIG things are happening in Secret, and the future is bright indeed. Now, take a look at our roadmap and find out what’s ahead!
Check out the Roadmap: https://scrt.network/ecosystem/ecosystem-roadmap
NEW: The Secret Network Ecosystem Roadmap is here.NEW: The Secret Network Ecosystem Roadmap is here 🚀
If you joined us for Secret Summit, you know that BIG things are happening in Secret, and the future is bright indeed. Now, take a look at our roadmap and find out what’s ahead!
Check out the Roadmap: https://scrt.network/ecosystem/ecosystem-roadmap
Tweet: https://twitter.com/SecretNetwork/status/1603476659646173208
16 Dec 2022, 11:50
@bigpappa (Biggie) posted in Incentivisation of SCRT pair on Kujira BOW
Do not support. Things as important as a stable coin should be open sourced with multisigs on the mint controller. I think their project is still in the infant stage and we should wait when it comes to providing community fund incentives.
@bigpappa (Biggie) posted in Incentivisation of SCRT pair on Kujira BOW. Do not support.@bigpappa (Biggie) posted in Incentivisation of SCRT pair on Kujira BOW
Do not support. Things as important as a stable coin should be open sourced with multisigs on the mint controller. I think their project is still in the infant stage and we should wait when it comes to providing community fund incentives.
16 Dec 2022, 04:29
@AnewbiZ007 (anewbiz1.x) posted in Public Leadership Statement on Recent Community Threats
Ian, huge respect for you and your statement of de escalation. That takes some real strength for anyone to admit fault and it takes real character to 180 and do the right thing.
You are a leader, passionate about the community, and focused on improving the network as a whole. I think everyone agrees on that. Just the tactics were at issue.
Big respect to you ser.
Thoughts on this topic in gener...
@AnewbiZ007 (anewbiz1. x) posted in Public Leadership Statement on Recent Community Threats.@AnewbiZ007 (anewbiz1.x) posted in Public Leadership Statement on Recent Community Threats
Ian, huge respect for you and your statement of de escalation. That takes some real strength for anyone to admit fault and it takes real character to 180 and do the right thing.
You are a leader, passionate about the community, and focused on improving the network as a whole. I think everyone agrees on that. Just the tactics were at issue.
Big respect to you ser.
Thoughts on this topic in gener...
16 Dec 2022, 00:26
@dbamberger (Daniel Bamberger) posted in Business Development Committee Q1 2023 Proposal
Hello Guy:
I want to qualify my response by saying that I have a lot of respect for you as an entrepreneur and creative thinker. However, I disagree with your statement. Here are some points to consider:
In the last 1-2 quarters, I have been working with Secret Labs through Shahar Raz, the head of marketing. In fact, I introduced more VCs to Secret Labs’ incubator than Shahar did. I also provi...
@dbamberger (Daniel Bamberger) posted in Business Development Committee Q1 2023 Proposal. Hello Guy:.@dbamberger (Daniel Bamberger) posted in Business Development Committee Q1 2023 Proposal
Hello Guy:
I want to qualify my response by saying that I have a lot of respect for you as an entrepreneur and creative thinker. However, I disagree with your statement. Here are some points to consider:
In the last 1-2 quarters, I have been working with Secret Labs through Shahar Raz, the head of marketing. In fact, I introduced more VCs to Secret Labs’ incubator than Shahar did. I also provi...
15 Dec 2022, 23:56
@supdoggie posted in Disclosure of June 2021 OTC Event - Secret Foundation
I want to highlight an important point that does not seem to be getting acknowledged: humans should not be used for escrow, period. We have smart contracts for that.
There is absolutely no excuse about why one was not set up, especially for such a large transaction. The “burden” of set up would have been on our side, so claiming that VCs are lazy is no excuse either.
The purpose of this message ...
@supdoggie posted in Disclosure of June 2021 OTC Event - Secret Foundation.@supdoggie posted in Disclosure of June 2021 OTC Event - Secret Foundation
I want to highlight an important point that does not seem to be getting acknowledged: humans should not be used for escrow, period. We have smart contracts for that.
There is absolutely no excuse about why one was not set up, especially for such a large transaction. The “burden” of set up would have been on our side, so claiming that VCs are lazy is no excuse either.
The purpose of this message ...
15 Dec 2022, 23:25
@thenodefather (Node Father) posted in Disclosure of June 2021 OTC Event - Secret Foundation
Dear all,
I recently received a physical threat that appears to be potentially credible due to my involvement in recent events. This message included private information that is not publicly available, and confirmed that a third party has knowledge of my family’s current physical location. We are currently assessing the credibility of this threat and considering all possible scenarios including m...
@thenodefather (Node Father) posted in Disclosure of June 2021 OTC Event - Secret Foundation. Dear all,.@thenodefather (Node Father) posted in Disclosure of June 2021 OTC Event - Secret Foundation
Dear all,
I recently received a physical threat that appears to be potentially credible due to my involvement in recent events. This message included private information that is not publicly available, and confirmed that a third party has knowledge of my family’s current physical location. We are currently assessing the credibility of this threat and considering all possible scenarios including m...
15 Dec 2022, 23:07
@Robert_SecretNFT.com (Robert) posted in Disclosure of May 2021 OTC Event - Secret Foundation
The crypto industry is full of scammers, this is a great lesson learned for others to prevent this from happening again. Since you have gone public about the event can you publish the Scammers SCRT address?
@Robert_SecretNFT. com (Robert) posted in Disclosure of May 2021 OTC Event - Secret Foundation.@Robert_SecretNFT.com (Robert) posted in Disclosure of May 2021 OTC Event - Secret Foundation
The crypto industry is full of scammers, this is a great lesson learned for others to prevent this from happening again. Since you have gone public about the event can you publish the Scammers SCRT address?